My Fathers Journey

My father and I got the chance to really sit down and speak a little about his experience coming to the United States . There were many things I learned about what it was like when my father first came...

First Generation as an Islamic American Woman

My name is Samantha, I am 37 years old and I interviewed Amreen, 35, for my communications class. We just met today for the first time, she is one of my mother's work colleagues. We discussed what it is like...

Unknown American(Leandro Mendoza Garcia)interviewer (Edwin Nova Cordero)

I’ve known Leandro for most of my life, never did I think how his actually life struggles were. He is a very family dedicated man, positive towards life, and hard working. The war in his country made him come to...

Maria Callard

In this interview, we discussed my mom’s experiences leaving her country of Chile to the U.S and many of the lessons she has learned along the way.

Brothers in a distant land (Part 1)

Two men share a love that grew thousands of miles from where they were born as brothers. There’s was grown out of a sense of responsibility, purpose and perseverance.

Pedro Squared

We learn about someone father and how his life was growing up.

Historical Interview with Family

We talked about what life was like in the early and mid 1900s and how historical events have shaped my grandmother’s life.

“A Journey Of A Thousand Steps Starts With One Step”

A father, a husband and a son talks about his childhood, his family and traditions that have shaped him into the man he is today. Mustansar Nasir talks about his experiences and memories combined into adversities that he has encountered...

Sit down interview with Joshua

A look into the life of Josh and the decisions he made growing up. For my benefit I asked questions pertaining to my degree and desired career.

The Life of Herman van Beek

The life and family of Herman van Beek, my grandfather. He was born in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and grew up during the second Word War under German control. He moved frequently, going to Argentina and Mexico, where he learned English...

Soledad Vargas’s Story

The people in this interview is Sophia Ochoa (the interviewer) who is 15 years old, Soledad Vargas (the person getting interviewed) who is 79 years old, Rene Ochoa (translator) who is 45 years old. Sophia Ochoa is the grandchild of...