Interviewing My Grandmother, Marilyn Olsen

My grandmother talked about the various experiences she has had throughout her life, and explains how they have shaped who she is. She discussed many important topics such as education, family and honesty, and I have learned a lot about...

a tail of two bookworms

My father tells me the story of how him and my mother started dating and soon after got engaged. Not only did he find his soulmate, he found his best friend who lifts him up and gave him the confidence...

The Great Listen: Me and My Mom

Here I interviewed my Mom in Fort Mill SC, on the 19th of January, 2020. We talked about love, boys, and advice with relationships. Cancer in your life during and after, family and the effects they've had. A little bit...

Novel Discussion: Leia and Evans Pappas analyze the development of “The Shadow of the Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
December 11, 2018 App Interview

Leia Pappas and her father, Evans Pappas, discuss the relationships and themes present in “The Shadow of the Wind” while also mentioning why Evans recommended the book to Leia initially.

A talk with my Dad

We talked about our child hood, memoriesof my mom, and our interests in short stories and novels.