Growing up as Norma Hawkins

Norma Hawkins(76) shares a glimpse of what it was like when she was growing up in Missouri in the 50s and 60s

Michael Woods and Lonnie Halkmon

Friends Michael Woods (36) and Lonnie Halkmon (38) have a conversation about their youth, spreading love, and their work at Dream Builders 4 Equity.

My Dad and I (Steve Buerk and Kayleigh Jones)

Interview with Steve Buerk (51) by Kayleigh Jones (16). This interview is about how growing up was like, how I was raised, how he never left my side through the hard times, and what his goals are for me in...

Mark C Bird and Ron Bird

Mark C Bird (62) and his father, Ron Bird (85), share a conversation about Ron’s varied career path, including making pizza, serving in the Air Force Reserve, and serving as a Texas legislator. They also discuss Ron's early years and...

Talking with my brother

We talked about growing up and how we where raised and compare it our experiences.

Oma’s interview

We talked about my grandmas life and struggles she has had throughout life to grow stronger.

Patrick Tyrrell and Charlotte Hammond

One Small Step conversation partners Patrick Tyrrell (20) and Charlotte Hammond (18) find many commonalities and differences in their life experiences, general attitudes towards life and dreams of the future. They discuss religion, their parents, abortion and sex ed, and...

Daniel Ross and Jade Ross

Husband and wife Daniel (Dan) Ross [no age given] and Jade Sank Ross [no age given] share stories of how they became rabbis, when they first felt they were rabbis for real, how Dan transitioned from Hillel rabbi to Central...