Where do plays come from?

Ruben Bowen talks with his mentor/coach, Ashley Boone about her experience in writing throughout her life, and more specifically about the One-Act play she wrote and directed.

Hans Riziki

Coming from Moshi, Tanzania, Hanz Riziki talks about the challenges he faced regarding his education, and his pursuit of a new life.

Oral History of the Sixties Interview

Izzy Ruffer (16) and Brooklyn Collins (17) talk with Izzy's grandpa, David Ruffer (86) about his childhood, life experiences, education, and general life during the 1960's.

The Diverse Home of a Shelter Home

My mother Jennifer Martin (65) shares her stories, with her daughter Kaija Martin, about her time working at a shelter home in Minnesota for 10 years.

The Wild Hog of Eugene

I talk with my uncle Don about his life and his experiences in school, particularly the time he masqueraded around his college campus as the "Wild Hog". Apologies for the poor sound quality!

Golda Siegel-Doyle 3rd grade student reunion

Golda Siegel-Doyle(83) talks with reporter Brian Scott-Smith about a reunion she's having with three 3rd grade students she taught back in 1965 In New York. Those students are Susan Dunaisky, Meryl Jacobs and Felice Perry, all from New York State.