Jinny Savolainen and Gillian Cook

Jinny Savolainen: 2020-05-22 14:52:36 Jinny and Gill talk about small town life in pandemic times. "I have the best community in the history of mankind. I'm so thankful. "

Joey Luau and Carol Velazquez

Mentor Joey Luau (24) and her mentee, Carol Velasquez (17), discuss growing up in the different neighborhoods of Los Angeles. The two recall the similarities between their communities, their fears and how they are making photography work for them.

Issues Facing the Transgender Community in the U.S.

This interview was conducted with Larry Parra (22) and Caitlyn Tapia-Bindrum (22) to raise awareness on the issues and experiences faced by the transgender community in the U.S. We also go on to discuss the ways in which we can...

Chris Skildum and Joshua Dix

One Small Step partners Chris Skildum (38) and Joshua Dix (42) talk about their families, capitalism, government regulation in the construction industry, their backgrounds, and how they came to live in Grand Marais, Minnesota.

David Fazio & Alex Wu

David “Faz” Fazio, a beloved Andover High School basketball coach and gym teacher, who has made gym fun for all of his students, talks about how his high school coach helped him see past his challenging childhood. During his 34-year...

Flavio Cisneros and Claire Cote

Claire Cote (41) interviews her friend Flavio Cisneros (81) about his life, his involvement in the community in Questa, New Mexico, and his relationship with cooking.