My Grandfather's Uprising: From Dreams to Reality

Mahendra Shah always wanted to make a “lasting impression” on society. He always wanted to make a change and have a purpose in life. As a child, he believed that having a “last impression” on society was to become a...

Shreya Rajaram: Her Story

On May 21st, I interviewed my friend Shreya Rajaram about her immigration story to the US, and what life was like in India.

My “Nana”; A Journey of Hard Work

A story told by a grandpa about his up bringing and his perseverance to tackling the real world asked by his granddaughter. His passion for education and success reflects off of his aspirations and struggles.

How My Dad Overcame His Life Challenges

This interview was done on December 1st, 2019 in my family's living room. In this interview, my dad, Nitin Panchal mentioned that he had to overcome many obstacles in his life. These barriers made it more difficult for him to...

Ayush Patel Interviews his Father, Mitul Patel, about Life and Education in India and the USA

Ayush interviews Mitul in Canton, Michigan, on January 13, 2023, by asking him questions about his life, education, and positive memories in India. Mitul gives thoughtful responses to these questions. He shares his opinion on skills learned in education and...

Importance of community when you’re away from family

Deeksha Misri (18) talks to her aunt Deepti Qasba (56) about the importance of building and being a part of a community when you're away from your home country. They also talk about how staying connected to your community is...

Think Positive, be positive.

I talk with my mom about her life stories, I was really young when we first came here so I didn't know about what happened back in Nepal and India. We talked about how it was growing up and childhood...

My Dad

This interview discussed my fathers life and how he came to this country. He discussed his up bringing and how education changed his beliefs and struggles throughout the process.

Elizabeth Garman and Rachel Manchester

Elizabeth shared her amazing life journey, teen pregnancy, loss of baby, humanitarian work with hemophilia education in impoverished countries, COVID journey and loss of family members, strength in adversity, a life of meaning and purpose, Providence mission. faith, leading with...