Donald Folsom is a Marine Corps Veteran that served during WWII.

Donald Folsom is a Marine Corps veteran of WWII who shares his experiences and how the war has impacted him and our country. He has had some difficult and hard times, but no matter what he loves our country.

Brenda talks about marriage and divorce.

In this interview, Brenda Kamigaki will talk about her marriage to Richard. She will also talk about the divorce she went through with him, and how it affected her as a person. She will also talk about her marriage to...

Benjamin Marshall & Laura Smith

Laura recently met Benjamin, who went to school with her brother, Berkeley, who has Down syndrome. Benjamin sat next to Berkeley in sixth grade and he talked about the impact that year had on his life. Because of his exposure...

The Love of my Parents

I ask my parents about their lives together since they were teenagers & how they thought it’d turn out compared to how life actually is today.

Interview with Grammy

Barbara Micheal- 70 years old (My Grammy) Natalie Bannon- 15 years old (me We discussed proud moments in life and am the differences that the world has made.

Thanksgiving with my Grandparents

I interviewed my grandparent about any words of advice to give on this week of giving thanks.

interview with my momma

I loved interviewing my mom and hearing about her life that I didn’t know before.

My Dad’s Appreciation

Discussing some fun if situations, memories, quirks, and more with my loving father! If you are to listen to anything from this interview, I suggest listening from 1:58 to 3:35.

Roberta Miranda and Jacob Sidhom

Roberta Miranda (46) and her son Jacob Sidhom (23) discuss their relationship, their influences and the moments that have shaped their outlook on life.

Living His Best Life

My interview with my Great Uncle Steve was nothing short of spectacular. I learned a lot about his interesting life story and was able to discover the secrets of how to live a long and happy life. We talked about...

lessons and stories I want to share with the world

These are a few of the stories that my mother has shared with me when I asked about her childhood, family traditions, and people who have inspired her the most. I feel like after this interview I have gotten to...

John Babcock Part 1: “I testified against the Hells Angels”

This section is a brief introduction to John and his life. We discussed his career and how it affected his life. He talks about how he changed a young man's life and the school he built from scratch. John also...

Nana and Papa Thanksgiving story

From Childhood to having Grandkids, Nana and Papa discuss all the ins and out of having children, living in Hawaii and our family balance

TheGreatListen2018-Izzy Skov

We talked about what their childhood was like. We also talked about their married life and raising kids together, and eventually grandchildren.

Living Through Pain

Sometimes we forget family goes through it too. Do we grow to cope the same or to be different? If you are to lose your loved today, will you remember them how they wanted to be or as you grew...

Michael Ayers Auricchio – Life In a Nutshell

My Grandpa (we call him Bigga) spoke to me about his wife, children, and the losses he experienced to get to where he is today. (Note: any time he says “your mother,” he means my Grammie. He doesn’t remember who...

Blind Date Romance

Almost 50 years as spouses, Marianna (78) and Bill Roberts (76) share the story of how they met on a blind date in 1972. They got married two and a half years later after only spending about 7 weeks together...

Shanna Green and Caden Green

In the interview we talked and laughed about memories, family, values, loved ones, and crazy experiences.