John Suarez talks to Evan Faulkenbury about his life experiences

John Suarez starts by discussing his childhood and growing up in New York state. He talks about his experiences in the 1960s and 1970s. Suarez talks about learning to listen and avoid being judgmental. He discusses work and family around...

Megan McCormick and her mother Jennifer McCormick discuss growing up, family traditions, and developing one’s identity.

In this interview, conducted in November 2017 in Gallatin, Tennessee, Megan McCormick (17) interviews her mother Jennifer McCormick (44) about what life was like for her growing up in the 70s as a part of a family with traditions that...

Attitude of Gratitude Widowski
November 26, 2018 App Interview

We described what my mother's childhood was like what music she listens to amd what she is grateful for.

George-Orris Family 2018

The life story of my strong Mexican immigrant grandmother who made a great life for her family.

Momma knows best

I learned a lot about my mom and why she raised me the way she did. She loves me and is so so proud of the person i have become.

Thanksgiving part

This is pretty much Katie Foulton’s life and what she went through and everything she has gone through. It’s a cute conversation about how our lives were because we’ve known each other for most of it!

Interview with my dad!! on 05-30-24

My dad (47) talks about his family he left behind, his life growing up in India and then transitioning to the US, he gave me life advice, and talked more about how he enjoyed spending time with me as a...

Baby boy asks his mom about her life before he was born and what she’d like to pass on to him <3

A boy once known to be nothing more than a mere child is on his way to adulthood. Him and his mother conversate about her childhood growing up and what were some experiences that shaped her into who she was....

My Sister’s interview

In this interview I asked my sister about some memories we had and some life lessons learned.

Michelle and Maura Lougeay

Maura (14) talks with her mom Michelle (46) about her childhood, teaching, and why she loves teaching.

Mini chat with mama greg

The talked was about her happiest memories in her life , the advice she would give her teenage self and how has her life changed since she moved from the Philippines. She shared her happiest time when she was still...

Father’s Experience coming to the U.S

My Father's life experiences coming to the U.S, struggles he has had coming here and the life he left behind to come to the U.S and why he crossed over. How life is in Mexico for him at a young...

Chatting with Henry

I talked to my father about life, love, and lessons learned. We covered everything from nicknames growing up to biggest regrets.