What it Means to Work Hard – An interview with my Dad

I sat down with my dad to talk about his life and how he grew up. He started from basically nothing and took advice from those of a greater intelligence and applied it to his life and has become very...

Defining Happiness and Family

In this interview we talked about family, marriage, and happiness. We discussed why family is important and what our hopes are for one another.

Eleanor Ague and Ben Lashley

[Recorded: Friday, July 21, 2023] This One Small Step conversation was recorded in Charlottesville, Virginia as part of the Sorensen Institute’s summer High School Leaders Program in 2023. Eleanor Ague (17) is from McLean and Ben Lashley (17) is from...

Stephanie Lowenhaupt and Sarah Goraya

[Recorded: Thursday, February 2nd, 2023] Stephanie (68) and Sarah (19) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Stephanie is a retired nurse and research coordinator from Charlottesville and Sarah is a Second Year at the University of Virginia...


Richard Shannon(82) talks with his granddaughter, Erin Shannon(16) about what life was like living in the country in the 1940's nad 50's. He talks about going to school in a small country schoolhouse without power, to which he rode horse...

Joseph William Eyles and Bill Keenan with Grady Gordon Sceals

Grady Sceals talks with former students Bill Keenan and Joe Eyles about his experiences growing up in Albany, attending Dougherty County Schools and returning to Albany after college and his Navy service to first teach in the Dougherty County School...

“I don’t know whether to feel sad, angry, or lost.”

Shay Makinde & Pedro Damasceno speak prior to a vigil held for the victims of the tragedy at Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14th, 2018— a day prior to the date of this conversation. Shay shares his first-hand experience...