An interview with a future Dj (my dad)

My dad and I talk about what his life was like before in the Philippines and before he had kids

Great expectations

we talked about her past and how she made many fun filled memories with her family. also how she wants me to be successful in life and my children (if i ever have any) to be happy.

Eliza Piché and Isabela Barton

[Recorded: Friday, September 22, 2023] Eliza Piché (19) from Austin, TX, and Isabela Barton (19) from Austin, TX participated in this One Small Step conversation as part of their Public Service Pathways 1-credit UNST course at UVA. The pair were...

Adelle Sims is interviewed by her daughter, Ella Pharo, about her life.

In this interview, my mom and I discussed her childhood, adulthood, found memories, and important historical/ political things that stand out to her. We also talked about our relationship and other personal things that had an impact on her life.

Pandemic interview

I talked about how his family was personally affected and how church was going for him.

Aaron Clarke and Jennifer Haygood

Friends Jennifer Haygood (33) and Aaron Clarke (33) share a conversation about their history in activism and how they became collaborators in the movement for justice.

Patricia Small, Jean Coffman, Jessica Kellett, and Scott Coffman

Pat Small (65) and sister Jean Coffman (73) disscuss the history of their mother, Florence Dixon Small, and memories of childhood.

“You love them to death, you miss them like hell when they’re gone, and can’t wait to see them again. They are FAMILY.”

This is the recording of me interviewing my host father Heath Vickerman. He has hosted seven exchange students so far, and he isn't planning on stopping doing it. In this interview my host dad shares his perspective on hosting, tells...

Thanksgiving interview with Aunt Cher

Interviewing one of my favorite aunts in State College, Pennsylvania. Listening to stories about her childhood and how she became who she is today.

Creative writing interview with Grenna

where ancestors came from what life was like growing up two generations back. How family has changed over time. Bringing people together from many different cultures.

Bryan X

A story of family, growth, and love. Holding on to all the wonderful memories that bring a family together.


This is Owusu Slater's story of when he grew up in the Caribbean and his family upbringings. Owusu has been Pearls of Wisdom member for so many years. The Pearls of Wisdom is DOROT's cherished touring ensemble of elderly storytellers....

Jacob Lorimier and his grandpa Don Lorimier talking about his life

Jacob Lorimier(15) interviews his grandpa Don Lorimier(67) on November 22, 2018 about his life as a kid. Also who were influential people in his life, such as his dad and a store manager he worked under.

Karen Fine discusses growing up in Brooklyn and how she got to Highland Park

In this interview, conducted on November 26, 2017 in Deerfield, Illinois, Zach Fine (16) interviews his mother Karen Fine (48) about her childhood in Brooklyn. Karen shares experiences from her time in Brooklyn as well as her life in college....

Kerry Hutcherson and May Robinson

One Small Step conversation partners Kerry Hutcherson (41) and May Robinson (32) discuss their childhood and how their political views were shaped.

What life was like

Shows how hard and how different life was for them. This is a heart felt interview showing what his meaning of life was and is and what his strive was to be himself.

Mom’s Life

I was able to interview my mother about her life, but especially about what amazes me most and that she got her college degree while raising four children.

Ryan Goodwin and Samantha de Dios-Goodwin

Ryan Goodwin (17) asks Sam de Dios-Goodwin (43) questions about her life, from growing up in the Philippines to being a mother and real estate agent in Arizona.

Lexi goeman and Sam Metcalfe

Lexi Goeman (19) spoke to her friend Sam Metcalfe (21) about his childhood, his coming out and his relationship with family and his significant other.

My Mamaw <3

My mamaw has taken time out of her day to spend with y’all and to share some about her life.

Interview with my Dad

In this interview, I ask my dad about his life in Vietnam, his best/worst memories, and his family.

Importance of family in life

Like the title say this interview is about how family is important in my dad’s life.And the difficulties in faced in his life.