Ronald Britton and Chapin Montague

Ronald "Ron" Britton (71) recounts to StoryCorps facilitator Chapin Montague [no age given] his youth as a self-proclaimed military brat, the lives of his parents, and his career in oceanography and marine biology, all while sitting on the wood-lined deck...

Nana raises, teaches, and sets examples for kids.

I talked to Nana about her childhood and her being raised with four brothers! She talked about setting examples for her brothers and the students she taught being a Sunday School teacher and a piano teacher. We talked about her...

Sandra Halvorson and Natasha Herring

Natasha Herring (47) interviews her conversation partner Sandra "Sandy" Halvorson [no age given] about her experience getting into contact with her biological parents and how being adopted has impacted her sense of identity.

Kathryn Eastburn and Tom Shepard

Friends Kathryn Eastburn [no age given] and Tom Shepard (54) share a conversation about the ever-evolving values in Colorado Springs and reflect on how they have navigated conservative and anti-gay attitudes in the area. They also talk about the fierce...

Patricia Keating, Lorrie Keating Heinemann, and Robert Keating

Siblings, Lorrie Keating Heinemann (60) and Robert Keating (61), interview their sister, Patricia "Pat" Keating (78), about her early life, her work, her hobbies, and how she learned to navigate life as a blind person. They also share some favorite...