Phil’s work

Phil talks about some of his first jobs

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Cristina, "We want to create an infrastructure for people to grow into people we want to see.

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Cristina Garza, Program Director of the Mission EDC and creator of the Expert In Residence program says part of the Mission CEED co-working space's mission is " create an infrastructure for people...

Bob Alpern in Army, College, NYC and Baltimore

John Friedrich (56) interviews his friend Bob Alpern (93)about early influences in his lie, including seeing unemployed people along Riverside Drive in New York City, living in shanties. Bob shares that FDR's programs like the CCC and the WPA appealed...

Lauren Fischel and Valerie Fischel

Lauren Fischel (54) shares a conversation with her mother, Valerie Fischel (79), about Valerie’s childhood, her studies as a dancer, her travels to Europe, her time in Paris, the role that expectations for women played in her life, and her...

Seth Gilman and Lois Gilman

Lois Gilman (68) interviews her son Seth Gilman (37) about his role as a rescue worker in the aftermath of 9/11, and his decision to become a teacher and educate students about the attacks.