“There was this socially isolated, “Bitch”, that I had to be to protect my vulnerable self”.

A 33 year-old artist retells his story of surviving child sexual abuse, and the role the trauma played in his growth & development.

One of the most life-changing events happened on that corner. This man cared enough about a street urchin to pick him up off the street.

(This interview contains strong language and brief descriptions of sexual acts.) As a highly-attractive young gay man, Randy quickly fit into the Dallas gay bar scene, found problems with drugs, sex, and prostitution. When he prostituted in front of Dallas...

Jamilah Muhammad interviews her mother about her life, childhood, and etc.

In this interview, conducted in January 2018 in St. Louis, Missouri, Jamilah Muhammad (17) interviews her mother about her childhood in Birmingham/ St. Louis. She shares stories about her childhood, love life, political views and etc. She also talks about...

Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...

Religion, Sexuality, and my Mom.

This is a conversation about my mom(April Hammonds), her religious views, and having a gay son. Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and recorded by me, Anthony Lanci, the gay son.

Nathan Buck and Therese Lewandowski

Nathan Buck, Providence Volunteer Program Supervisor, has an in-depth conversation with Therese Lewandowski, about his spiritual journey from being a midwest, gay alter boy in a Catholic school to an openly gay, happily married manager for a Catholic organization. Nathan...

What is Religion to You? With Saoirse Gaulocher
February 11, 2022 App Interview

Saoirse and I explore concepts behind spiritual beliefs, personal stories and spiritual evolution, being a part of a greater whole, and existential moments with nature. Conducted inside an Anthropology/Archaeology Professor's office with a syphilitic skeleton (for context at the end...

Interviewing a Jehovah’s Witness About Her Religious Experience

Today I interviewed a close family friend about her religious experience, while being a Jehovah’s Witness.

Ruben Interview

Interviewed my uncle about topics ranging from life to tacos.

Vi and Mom

My mom and I talked about religion as we made matzah ball soup.

Jane Mathews and Edwin Mathews; Remembering Janelle

Edwin Mathews (76) talks with his granddaughter, Jane Mathews (13) about his musical life and about the passing of his young daughter, Janelle Mathews.

"It's not just physical"
January 2, 2017 App Interview

Rasha Patterson cites her faith and her relationship with God with helping her through her cervical diagnosis and treatment. Dealing with cancer is more than physical, and she encourages others to connect something greater than themselves to help them through...

Karla and Mary: Twenty-four years of an inter-racial friendship

This conversation summarizes a friendship of over two decades between two women, one White and one Black. Insights and issues of race and personal growth are discussed.

Tom Johnson and Ariel Lavery

New Years Eve 2018: Interview between my dad and me in my parent's Colorado Mountain House. We talk about memories of early times establishing a career in research and academia as well as project into the future of his illness...

My Mama’s Story

I interviewed my mom about where she came from, how she met my dad, spirtuality and other important aspects of life to carry with you.

"Let's See Ourselves Beautiful…again" – Saddi Khali

Helen Marie talks to "Photovangelist", Saddi Khali about the nature of his photoshoots involving only natural light, complete nudity, and an open mind ready to see one's own innate beauty.

Aydan and Aunt Paddy

I interviewed my aunt from my dads side. I asked her a lot about her childhood and what it was like growing up with my dad.