Speaking with my great grandmother about her young life in Michigan

Me and my great grandmother talk about her various types of animals during her youth in Michigan. We also talk about some life lessons that she learned

Progress and Paradox: The Vietnam War

In this interview, conducted in February 2019 in Memphis, Tennessee, Kyler Hamilton interviews his god-father, Philip Morris, about the Vietnam War. This interview captures Morris' history with his family, friends, and service.

interview with my mother

Laci Fredlund is 15 years old recording an interview with her mother Erin Fredlund who is 48 years old. They talked about family, life, childhood, work, and everything else.

Interview with my mom

What I was like as a child and the wonderful things I did! How being a parent has changed the person and if they would go back to being a teenager.

Lorna and John Landis

This is an interview of my great grandparents, Lorna and John Landis and they talk about childhood memories and how they met.

Practice Interview with Amalie

Amalie and I dive into her family and personal life while entertaining some hypothetical situations.

Ranita and Shamim

I asked my dad about the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971. I then asked him about when he immigrated to America and what he thought about America.

The story of my mother

This interview is taken place in my humble warm place I call home. I interviewed my mom named Sandra Aguilar, who is the age of 35. In this she speaks about her life, her past experiences, the lessons she has...

A talk about enjoying the simple things in life

I (Tymon, aged 17) and my teacher (Mr. Ralph), will discuss about what we enjoy in our daily lives and how we can experience life to its fullest extent. I hope this recording can inspire somebody to think and enjoy...

Learning about a grandparent’s history.

In this interview, I talked with my nana about her upbringing, her parents, and her life growing up. We also talked about family, friends and, jobs.

Think Positive, be positive.

I talk with my mom about her life stories, I was really young when we first came here so I didn't know about what happened back in Nepal and India. We talked about how it was growing up and childhood...

Thomas Sarris’s Childhood

I interviewed my dad and we discussed some of his childhood moments.

Life of My Mom

This podcast is a story of my mother's life and all of the moments she finds most memorable in the wake of mother's day being this weekend

Elise Kelley and her great aunt Harriett talking about her life.

In this interview, my great aunt and I had a discussion about her life growing up compared to the life she lives today.

Scarlett and Grayson Dempsey

Scarlett Dempsey (15) interviews her mother, Grayson Dempsey (43) about motherhood, what she is proudest of, and her work life.