Dinah Mathews Sours and Christopher Sours

Dinah Mathews Sours (87) shares memories with her son, Christopher Sours (63), about her childhood experiences and journey from England to the United States during World War II.

Helene Van Manen and Dave Van Manen

Helene Van Manen (64) and her husband Dave Van Manen (67) share stories from their lives as they detail their love, their family, and their journey westward from Brooklyn, New York, to Beulah, Colorado.

An interview with my father Zack Harmantzis

Happy memories, how my parents met and how life was lived through the years were discussed today in this interview with my father.

GTL 2017, CHS Keating

Joy Borowicz talks about her memories as a child, historical events she witnessed, and accomplishments as a parent.

Questions for Abu

In This interview we talk about many important life lessons and memory’s and things that inspire us and make us feel satisfied.

Benjamin Hickey and Richard Landry

Friends and colleagues Benjamin "Ben" Hickey (41) and Richard Landry (85) discuss Richard's multifaceted artistic career and their life in New York City.

A Gritty Childhood Growing Up in Queens

In this interview we go in depth about the childhood of one who grew up in the streets of New York, and what the life of one who grew up there may hold for them. My name is August Mazzara...

Kathleen Ulanday and Nicole Pradas

Kathleen Ulanday talks with mentor and friend, Nicole Pradas about her childhood memories, the different aspects of her life, and what the future may hold.

Growing up in Florida!

Growing up in Florida. My best memories, my worst memories, and my childhood move from FL to NY, my childhood friends and my siblings.

Dani and Noa’s Experience During the Coronavirus

This is a summary between Noa Fisher(sixteen years old) and Dani Fisher(eighteen years old). Dani and Noa Fisher are sisters and live on Long Island in New York. This interview is about the coronavirus and their experience during this pandemic.

Gpa interview :)

We went over 4 questions talking about when my grandpa was younger. The interview went chronology, we started when he was very young and went up to high school and through college and career. He gave insights on those memories...

Beth Brockman Miller and Ermyn King

Friends Beth Brockman Miller (56) and Ermyn King (70) talk about the impact of the Chautauqua Institution on their lives. They reflect on some of their memories of growing up at Chautauqua and the sense of community that they have...

Interviewing parents

I interviewed my mom about her past such as what was her proudest memories and how she wanted to be remembered

Grandparents Interview

Interview about Mary Ann Wall and Rory Wall’s childhood, adulthood, values, how America used to be, etc.

The Don White Story – You're never too old to have a happy childhood

Don White's story of being sent away by his parents at age 4 to live on a farm in the Catskills with total strangers, yet he went on to become a successful husband, father, brother and businessman

Camila Delgado (13) interviews her grandmother Marylou Liriano (66) about her life and her childhood

In this interview, Camila Delgado talks with her grandmother, Marylou Liriano, about her past, her childhood, and life lessons she learnt on the way to her adult hood. Her grandmother tells Camila about her first love. She even tells Camila...

Bailey Barden interviews her mother, Felicia Sabatelli, asking questions about her life in their home in Port Jefferson, New York

In this interview, conducted November 29, 2022, in Port Jefferson, New York, Bailey Barden (13) interviews her mother, Felicia Sabatelli(53) about her life. Mrs.Sabatelli answers questions about her life. The questions vary from childhood memories to more recent ones. At...

The Older Generations

We began by talking about our families immigration story and moved into how the older generations of our family influenced my father’s life.

Mother and Son Interview

I asked my mother questions about her young teenage life and allow her to rejog her memories of her young life and her dad, who sadly passed away when she was young