My grandpa talks about some parts of his life

My grandpa has to get along with people in the navy and he was a tech agnishion in the navy and he met momo (my grandma) at a New Years party

Interviewing my Grandfather

My grandfather talks about his life in the Navy, what it was like as a child, and what his life was like after his service.

The Kyle Perri Podcast: The Korean War

A brief but informative summary of my uncle (John Roccle)’s experience in the Korean War as part of the US Navy.

William Tenney and his time in the Korean War

Mr. Tenney describes his time serving as a dentist in the US Navy during the Korean War

“Gratitude never gets us in trouble.”

I'm not proud of anything I've done," Paulist Father Tom Hall told the crowd gathered at his retirement party after 30 years as a Navy chaplain. He says that the room was silent. "I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude. Pride--no. There's...

Betty Perritt: US Navy Ombudsman Experience

Betty Perritt relates her unique experience of serving as Ombudsman for the USS Downes