Mary DeLeonardis and Thomas Williams

Mary DeLeonardis (46) interviews her father Thomas Jay Williams Sr. (81) about his childhood memories, politics, Thomas’ decision to join the priesthood, enlisting in the Air Force, and how his life has changed since having his stroke six weeks ago.

A welcoming experience of the Church – Paulist Fr. Joe Scott

Paulist Fr. Joe Scott recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination as a #priest. Fr. Joe served in campus ministry for much of his first decades as priest. He was also an associate editor at Paulist Press from 1998...

A Spirited Faith: Paulist Father Thomas "Tomaso" Kane

He once wore roller skates and a Pilgrim costume to serve a turkey with sparklers. And he taught the movements of the Catholic Mass to dancers for a major production of a Bernstein musical. Paulist Father Thomas "Tomaso" Kane has...

"A Journey of Surprises" -Heather Kinney, with The Paulist Fathers

The Paulist Fathers serve in campus and hospital ministries, administrative roles, evangelization, and other pursuits. Heather Kinney helps Paulist seminarians hone in on the direction God may be guiding them toward. She’s the community’s Associate Director of Formation for Academics...

Paige Hanks and Skip Tylman

Paige Hanks [no age given] and Skip Tylman [no age given], OSS conversation partners, spoke of their backgrounds. Paige was brought up by a strong mother figure, and Skip found he felt at home working for Procter & Gamble. Both...

In the Garden – Paulist Fr. Ted Vierra

In this interview with Emanuele Sesta, Paulist Fr. Ted Vierra discusses his life, vocation story and ministry. Paulist Fr. Ted Vierra, age 89, has been a priest for 59 years. He lives at the Paulist rectory next to St. Paul...

Zachary Smith and Kevin Smith

In this interview, conducted in Lafayette, Colorado on April 30th 2020, Kevin Smith participated in an interview conducted by his son Zachary Smith, where they discussed his early life and formative years, along with a variety of political and social...