"Science is the engine that drives civilization." an interview with James Butler

James Butler has studied atmospheric chemistry, ozone depletion for over thirty years. Now, as the Director of NOAA’s global monitoring, he helps direct research into the hole in the ozone layer and climate change. He knows firsthand that we have...

Mother’s Advice to a Daughter

In this interview Malena's mom discusses the way her past and the people in her life influenced her, what it was like for her growing up, and her hopes for Malena in the future. She discusses her mother (Malena's grandmother)...

The art room to the courtroom

The struggles of Dave Welch in doing what he loved to doing what was necessary to support his family.

“It made me a stronger woman.”

Leslie shared her partake on social injustices that she faced in her life.

"We are asking for a place at the table."

Recorded on Saturday, June 17, 2017. Visual artist, Beau McCall and author/historian, Eric K. Washington discuss growing up in America, religion, and the history of Harlem. About "The Conversation" Who gets to have a seat at the table in America?...

Apush interview

Me talking with my mom about her upbringing and her family’s impact on the world