Melody Fawcett, Nathan Blunt, Hilary Rajchel

Melody met her cousins, Nathan and Hilary about ten years ago as a result of genealogy research. They come together today to share what brought them to their searches and the impact it had on them and the family.

Ashley Jardin and JP Ramirez

Ashley & JP have a conversation about the Aloha spirit, people of Hawaii, and what it means to "talk story" sharing ourselves, the importance of honoring a people's culture with respect, living our values, being in good company with each...

Marti & Scott

Shortly after Marti's daughter Julia was born she was diagnosed with incontinentia pigmenti. It was affecting her central nervous system and the doctors didn't expect her to live more than a few years. Marti learned everything she could about this...

Debra Brooks & Dan Hurwitz

Debra and Dan met at Temple shortly before Passover and the holiday has played an important role in their lives. For them it's a reminder of their humble beginnings, coming together, where they've been, and where they're headed. One of...

Abebech Mergia and Charlie Shin

Abebeck, a caregiver with PACE, talks with coworker Charlie about Fasika (Ethiopian Easter) and explains this special time in her culture. Also talks about the importance of neighbors, coworkers and participants.

Elizabeth Garman and Rachel Manchester

Elizabeth shared her amazing life journey, teen pregnancy, loss of baby, humanitarian work with hemophilia education in impoverished countries, COVID journey and loss of family members, strength in adversity, a life of meaning and purpose, Providence mission. faith, leading with...

Karen Ashley & Mike Drummond

As a Black woman, Karen has faced racism in the workplace and has been the only person of color in a meeting many times throughout her career. She shares with Mike what drew her to the DEI work she does...

Sijaama Branch & Scott Acord

Sijaama shares her story of having sickle cell disease. How she felt embarrassed as a kid and hid it from everyone but her family. Over the years she has learned to manage the symptoms, but still has moments where she...

Allan Komarek & Melody Fawcett

Allan is the recipient of the 2021 nursing Leadership Award and a conversation ensues that provides Allan an opportunity to share his story and view on leadership, philosophy, nursing career, and discrimination towards being gay.