The life,memories, and triumph of Catherine Bell
November 26, 2018 App Interview

Catherine Bell, a woman who grew up in the South Side of Chicago raised in a half functional, half distinctions household, shares the story of her life, some of her memories, and what she thinks is her greatest success. She...

A causal interview with my aunt
November 26, 2017 App Interview

I interviewed my aunt khyla. She is 21 years old. I wanted to interview my aunt because she always has funny stories to tell and she has pretty good advice. We talked about pretty basic things like school or generations....

Interview with Sister

I sat down with my sister to talk about her life and the people who helped her become who she is today. She (Summer) also shared some life advice that she has learned and would like to pass down to...

This is Sarah Dunn interviewing John Dunn about his experience in the Navy.

This interview took place on December 5, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois. Sarah Dunn interviews John Dunn, her father, on his experience in the Navy. Within this interview, John Dunn dicusses his experience in the military. Specifically, he talks about his...

Edwin Altez JR and his father Edwin Altez talking about growing up in Chicago, Illinois

In this interview, proceeded on November 25,2017 in Chicago, Illinois, Edwin Altez interviews his father about his childhood and life in Peru and how it impacted his life when we came to America. Also talked about his hobbies and relationships...

Essential Books: Kayla Byrne and her dad, Richard Byrne, discuss reading and the importance of seeking truth.
September 14, 2018 App Interview

In this interview, student Kayla Byrne and her dad, Neurosurgeon and life long reader Richard Byrne talk about the book “The Blank Slate” by Steven Pinker as well as the importance of a life long love of reading.

Mila rico

Future for mila and I, fears, regrets, goals, trails and tribulations of being a teenage girl, and a glimpse into her family history

Jose and brother, Javier, talk about Javier growing up in the United States from Mexican immigrant parents.

In this interview, conducted on November 2017 in Cicero, Illinois, Jose interviews older brother, Javier, about his upbringing in the US from Mexican immigrant parents. Javier shares stories about his childhood and teenage years in the city of Chicago. He...


This listen was about life growing up as a kid and growing up around family. Also going through rough times.

TOK Project

We had an interview about my mother's high school experience.

Patty Devery and Justin Cummins

One Small Step conversation partners Patty (40) and Justin (32) have a conversation about their recent weddings, dogs, and families. They bond over both getting married recently and having connections to Chicago. Justin describes his large wedding in Savannah, while...

Interviewing my mom

This interview is about my experience in an extra curriculum activity in high school that was off campus. The kappa, as it was called, was supposed to be a program that helped chicago kids get prepared for high school and...

Gloria Hurtado talks to her dad Agles about his life growing up

In this interview that was done on November 27, 2017 in Cicero, Illinois, Gloria Hurtado (17) interviews her dad Agles Hurtado (39) about his family and how he has evolved as a person both in Mexico and America. Mr.Hurtado talks...

Una entrevista con mi mamá sobre nuestra herencia

Spoke with my mom about her life growing up. Also about our family’s background. Interview done in Spanish.

Ella and Betty

I interviewed my mom about what her life was like when she was my age and in high school

Me and my nana

I will be asking my grandma questions about her childhood and her life lessons

Story of My Mom’s Life

The experiences of my mom through childhood and adulthood. Including school, work, family, and influential people.

From Chicago to Coast Guard

We talked about Kurt’s childhood and early role models that influenced him to join the Coast Guard. (Don’t mind the last few seconds I thought the recording had stopped)