Sherrie Floyd and Jonnie Clasen

Sherrie Floyd (67) interviews her friend Jonnie Clasen (75) about her life, her father's military career, and her 2021 induction to the Army Ranger Hall of Fame.

Kathleen Caldarella Riley and Matthew August

Matthew August: 2020-06-13 16:17:46 Matt August, age 42, interview with Grandma Kathleen Caldarella Riley, age 94, about significant periods in her life. She speaks about her family growing up and her time working in the WWII manufacturing plants. We touch...

The World War 2 War Effort and Rosie the Riveter

In this interview, conducted on November 25th 2018, Ann Martin Richardson (16) interviews her great aunt, Jackie Ramsbacher (92), about growing up during the Great Depression, her time in the WW2 war effort, and being a Rosie the Riveter.

Stephanie and Rachel interview Grandma Jackie

A conversation with Grandma about her life, greatest influences, and the memorable moments in her life.

Dr. Hilda Ontiveros and Dr. Jesse Soledad Arrieta

Colleagues and wives, Dr. Hilda Ontiveros (41) and Dr. Jesse Soledad Arrieta (44), share a conversation about their roots, Chicana and Women’s Studies, and the importance of documenting oral history within their community. They also talk about their connection to...

Esther Andary was Rosie-the-Riveter!

Christmas Day 2019. Tom Andary (60), interviewing Mom Esther Andary (98), about when Dad, Tom Andary (passed in 2000), was drafted in WWII, and she went to work at Ford Rouge Plant in Dearborn, Michigan as a riveter on bomber...