Racine and Jaden on Climate Change

Racine the respondent is 17. She was the required respondent as assigned. We discussed Racine’s options and concerns about climate change.

Climate Crisis (Interview #4)

mackenzie is my girlfriend and we talked about climate change

interviewing a person I’m not familiar with Climate Change

I got the chance to talk to Brennan who is 20 and is a current student at CLC and we were talking about his childhood and how his attitude would change during the climate change. He seems to be more...

Remembering the Ladds of Worcester Vermont

Grandaughter interviews neighbors who remembers her grandparents family 03-11-2024 13:51:33

Kate Walldorf and Aishani Patnaik

[Recorded: Monday, September 11, 2023] Kate Walldorf (19) from Charleston, SC, and Aishani Patnaik (19) from Ashburn, VA participated in this One Small Step conversation as part of their Public Service Pathways 1-credit UNST course at UVA. Aishani shares how...

climate change

I interviewed a class mate on climate change.

Nell Schneider #4, 7/12/21

Nell Schneider (6/18/1930-) talks with her grandson, Matthew Harrison, and her daughter (Matthew's mother), Sue Harrison, at her Glendale Wisconsin home. During this interview, Nell discusses World War II; the attack on Pearl Harbor; food and recipes; changes in technology...

Helene Van Manen and Dave Van Manen

Helene Van Manen (64) and her husband Dave Van Manen (67) share stories from their lives as they detail their love, their family, and their journey westward from Brooklyn, New York, to Beulah, Colorado.