Helene Kapel & Alicia Martin

Helene shares her story of how she and her mother survived the Holocaust by escaping to Russia. She tells her daughter, Alicia, how they had to sleep outside and scrounge for food scraps so they could eat, even though her...

Paulina Castiel & Annette Weinberg

Paulina, during the war the Nazis would make their lives miserable. When she was four they were taken from their home in Romania and forced them into a ghetto where they waited to be taken to Auschwitz. Her father was...

Veronica Fischmann and Yakov Pechersky Reflect on the COVID-19 Pandemic, Among Other Things.

Veronica Fischmann (32) and Yakov Pechersky (28) talk about treasured childhood memories, the ways in which their lives shaped their reactions to the global pandemic (especially Yakov, whose family is from Russia), the ways the pandemic may shape their lives...