Boy meets Miltary Base

Once upon a time a young boy went through the stages of life: childhood, college, and being all grown up; however this same boy got to travel the world, become the resident advisor of his college dorm and work at...

Acting on the ranch

When Linda Gray was told she couldn’t become an actress, she didn’t listen, and did what felt right to her. In November of 2017, 15 year old Jack Sloane interviewed his grandma, Linda Gray. He later found out she started...

A Child’s View of the Most Pointless War

Chong Sun Kim was 13-years old when she had to leave her home with only a bag full of belongings, in the wake of the battle that would tear apart the Korean Peninsula. In November of 2017, 14-year old Nathan...

Memories of Motor City

Playing an instrument, painting, and traveling the world. These are what Stephen Hoffman would like to do when he retires. In November 2018, 15 year-old JJ Hoffman interviewed his grandfather, Stephen Hoffman, about his past and his future. The story...

Childhood Anecdotes of Victor John Nelli Jr.

This interview took place on the 26th of November 2017 in Studio City California between Cleomene Nelli and his dad Victor John Nelli Jr. During this interview, Victor Nelli talks about childhood experiences he went through while growing up. The...

Adverse Circumstances

In this interview, 15-year old, Devyn Hunter interviews her dad, Paul Hunter about his childhood in the year 1977 in Pacoima, California. Paul speaks about growing up in Pacoima and what his childhood was like growing up. Where he lived...

From the Farm to a Model

In November of 2017, 15 year old, Sam Geiger interviews his mom, Tricia Geiger in Los Angeles about her childhood, career path and challenges. Tricia explains in the interview what occurred between the years of 1964 to 2017 in her...

Never wanna leave

Ellie Phillips and Pam Phillips. Pam is my mom, I am 15 years old. Man-of-war can rarley kill humans but when attacked by a whole school it is more likely, my mom learned the hard way. The best part was...

A Lebanese Childhood

I, Jack Marounian interviewed my dad, Arthur Marounian. I interviewed my dad a my house in Los Angeles, California. I am 15 years old and my dad is 47 years old. A 1770’s childhood in Lebanon was was way different...

“That’s all I’ve known my whole life, I’ve only performed”

When she stepped into that recording booth, she had no idea what Rick and Morty would become. Kira Klonel interviews Melique Berger in Los Angeles, California, on November 23rd, 2017. Berger provides context of her childhood and what led her...