Slowing Down with Alyssa

As an educator and entrepreneur, Hashimoto's disease and environmental illness made Alyssa face human limits long before the coronavirus outbreak forced us to shelter-in-place. She talks about self care in a revolutionary way because learning to reconcile her passion with...

Helena Hunt and John Coppers

One Small Step conversation partners Helena "Ena" Hunt (75) and John Coppers (53) have a conversation about the Healthcare system in the United States and the struggles they have overcome.

Miranda Duschack and Mimo Davis

Flower farming partners Miranda Duschack (43) and Mimo Davis (65) talk about their work as urban flower farmers in St. Louis and the many iterations of their relationship, from business partners to co-parents, that their flowers have guided them through.

Tokeya Graham and Keilani Graham

Tokeya Graham (48) shares a conversation with her daughter, Keilani Graham (23), about the way the pandemic has shifted their relationship, as well as their understanding of personal creativity. They also discuss living authentically while centering autonomy.

Roniece Gilkey and Janessa Jordan

Roniece Gilkey (49) speaks with the teacher of three of her sons, Janessa Jordan (32), about changes in education during the COVID-19 Pandemic, and the extra burdens that students, teachers, and parents have all had to take on.