Brooke Johnson and Kurtis Haynes

One Small Step partners Brooke Johnson (31) and Kurtis Haynes (58) have a conversation about rebelling from their Christian homes, the complexities of personal responsibility, and the need for government investment in children's developmental years.

Karolina Beltran and Jose Beltran

Esposos Karolina Beltran (47) y Jose Beltran (47) hablan de sus recuerdos, cuando Jose tenía el virus de COVID-19, y sus esperanzas para el futuro, y el agradecimiento. [Spouses Karolina Beltran (47) and Jose Beltran (47) talk about their memories, Jose...

Grandma’s Journey from Boston to California

My grandma was born in Boston, and she later moved to New Hampshire. She attended University of Michigan when her husband Ian was fighting in the Gulf War. She remembers all of the political turmoil that was happening when she...

Our Love Story

My mother and I discussed her rocky but love-filled relationship with my father. We touched on life together with and without children and how life changed their relationship over the years.

11-22-23 Interview with Grandma O

Grandma O, my empathetic 78 year old Grandma, has an inspirational backstory. She partook in many extracurriculars such as doing dance, stage makeup, swim, and taking French, and she worked in a bakery where she met her husband of over...

Tracy Riley and Trezell Ragas

Trezell Ragas (22) interviews her family friend Tracy Riley (45) about Tracy's community involvement. Tracy recounts her career of serving in the military. She talks about her lifelong fight for economic justice for black people in Louisiana.

The shaping of Susan Fisher’s life and her empathetic past.

Conducted in Santa Cruz, California, student Kayla Penny (age 15) interviews Susan Fisher (age 45) about a childhood story and the effect it had on Susan’s future. Fisher shares her story of dealing with individuals troubled with mental health such...

Nicholas Piediscalzi and Christy Hightower

Nick Piediscalzi, a retired minister, talks about what brought him to Peace United Church of Christ in Santa Cruz California. He admires the active, lively congregation here where people are not afraid to be vulnerable in church. Nick explains: “In...

Parth Patel and Lillian Pettis

One Small Step conversation partners Parth Patel (27) and Lillian Pettis (50) discuss their childhoods, relationships with their parents, connecting with those who have different political views, and moments of kindness they've experienced.

Michael Woods and Lonnie Halkmon

Friends Michael Woods (36) and Lonnie Halkmon (38) have a conversation about their youth, spreading love, and their work at Dream Builders 4 Equity.