Clint McGuire and Miranda Lund

Clint McGuire (56) interviews his longtime friend, Miranda Lund (43), about her experiences as a student in the USC Aiken theatre department, and how it led to her creating an Instagram account devoted to cosplay.

Steven Brown

I interviewed Mr. Steven Brown on his life and his business life for my personal communication class

Nataliya Povod, Diana Abramenko, and Mary Connin

Friends Nataliya Povod (23), Diana Abramenko (22), and Mary Connin (70) talk about Nataliya and Diana's travels, aspirations, and their journey to the United States after the war in Ukraine broke out last year.

business from a young pov

step mom (30)and step daughter (17)talks about her experience in a man dominated field.

Amara Parker and her dad Bernard talk about living in Europe.

In this interview, conducted in November 2017 in San Diego, California, Amara Parker (14) and Bernard Parker (44) about his childhood in Texas and his career. Mr. Parker shares his difficulties of living abroad compared to the United States. He...

Maura DiBartolomeo

A quick conversation with my mom about some figures and important moments in her life