Nathan Santana and Lori Motola

Nathan and Lori participated in this conversation as part of The WAY initiative. They discussed who Nathan is and how and if other people are free and willing to figure things out for themselves.

Interview with my mother about experiences growing up in the Soviet Union

I interviewed my mother, who is a Ukrainian immigrant from the Soviet Union. Topics discussed included her experience transitioning to American life and Soviet culture

Practice Interview

We spoke about how his life has been. And what he plans in the future.

Thanksgiving Interview

Interview with my grandmother about her life, and her experiences.

Tatiana Orlov and Linda Wang

Tatiana Orlov (27) tells Linda Wang (23) her reasons for moving to New York City, how her interests changed from working in the Music Industry to Community Involvement, and how she became involved with the non-profit organization Art for Change.

Finding your place

In this interview we talk about how society affects both of us. We use experiences from Richard Wright’s memoir

interviewing a college student

in this interview I got the chance to see a what a college student point of view was towards what he thought race and ethnicity is in this society and how there are some ways to fix those conflicts.

Interview with Natalia Ramirez

In this interview, Natalia answered a series of philosophical questions based on a scenario related to the interviewee's career field: Exercise and Sports Science.

Grandpa Interview

This interview consisted of childhood memories, work experience, and his thoughts on society

Quentin Wilson and Lee Selleck

Friends Quentin Wilson [no age given] and Lee Selleck [no age given] come together 50 years after they graduated high school together in Kirkwood, Missouri. The two talk about the value of listening, the divides in our country, and how...

The Impact of the Election of Barack Obama on a Black Man.

In this video, I interview my dad about racism in America and how the Election of Barack Obama affected him as a black man.

Interview Project Mrs. Dunn’s class

I interview my brother on his opinions about the problems with American society.

Sociology 110: Lauren Ruffner’s Interview

I interviewed my roommate, Devon Schreiner, and asked her questions about her life and past. We also got into questions about her beliefs and what she stands true to.

“We are all human”

My grandmother was talking about what life was like when she was younger. She also described how different society was back then.

What It Takes to be a Parent

Being nineteen and working as an assistant for Steven Spielberg as your first job isn’t something most teenagers get the opportunity to experience. On January 6th, 2019 in Los Angeles, California, Zoey Rukavina, age 15, sat down in her room...