Leon Hoover and Robert Shore

One Small Step partners Leon Hoover (71) and Robert "Bob" Shore (75) talk about their political views and their careers in energy and behavioral health. They reflect on the current state of abortion and energy policy and discuss the influence...

Amber Myles & Will Rogers

Amber, who recently won a nurse of the year award at Providence Health, shares her nursing journey from working as a parole officer to psych nurse. How working with psych patents is both rewarding and challenging, staying safe, and what...

Cindy Su and Sneha Sharma

Friends Sneha Sharma (17) and Cindy Su (17) share a conversation about their experiences as high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic, their environmental advocacy work, their mentors, and their families.

“Jeff Coomer of SOLMED” interviewed by John Peet at NPR WGCU Florida September 7 2018
September 14, 2018 App Interview

Jeff Coomer creator of SOLMED a hobby charity that visits impoverished areas of the world bringing free home solar kits to families and delivering free medical supplies. These free solar household kits, that he creates himself, included a water filtration...

Gaile Edrozo and Victoria Johnson

Gaile Edrozo (36) and her colleague Victoria Johnson (26) talk about mental health, working in healthcare, and GE's experience with depression. GE shares her mental health journey—from a conservative upbringing to seeking therapy—and shares advice on taking care of oneself.