Angeline "Dolly" (Crocetto) Gagain

My 85-year-old grandmother Angeline "Dolly" (Crocetto) Gagain met her husband (my grandfather) Raymond John Gagain in Waterbury, Connecticut when they were 14 years old. They spent their entire lives together until my grandfather died in 1990. His death was a...

Senior interview.

We talked to a senior named Ron Payne about his life. We really in joyed it, he was a nice guy with great story’s.

Interview with Chuck Sussman

We talk about a broad range of topics regarding Chuck Sussman’s life

The Life of Jean Runkle

Me and my grandmother discussed many topics. Some of these were the memories and people that changed our lives. My grandmothers mom helped her learn manners and her grandmother taught her how to be a good person. We also discussed...