Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...

Jessica Quintal Alverez & Jennifer Eid Ammons

Colleagues Jessica and Jennifer work on the Mobile Medical Van community outreach program for Providence Health in Sonoma County, California. In order to gain the trust of the homeless community they serve, they take a personalized approach by getting to...

Stephen Starr and Dave Howser

Dave and Steve interview each other about growing up Baptist, coming out and HIV-AIDS in Chicago in the '80's and '90's.

"I appreciate God’s Love so much, from day one. It was the care that was always there."

Jack Godby (77) speaks with God's Love We Deliver Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Ronnie Fortunato. Jack was diagnosed with HIV in 1985 and began receiving meals from God's Love in 2002, after having three strokes. Ronnie became his RDN in 2011,...

“Jeff Coomer of SOLMED” interviewed by John Peet at NPR WGCU Florida September 7 2018
September 14, 2018 App Interview

Jeff Coomer creator of SOLMED a hobby charity that visits impoverished areas of the world bringing free home solar kits to families and delivering free medical supplies. These free solar household kits, that he creates himself, included a water filtration...

Sarah Gray & Jack Delaney, Blood Transfusion Recipient & Formerly Anonymous Blood Donor "Everyone deserves it."

Sarah Gray, age 47, (Washington DC) blood transfusion recipient, interviews Jack Delaney (61), one of the 10 anonymous strangers who donated 1 of the units of the blood she received during childbirth in 2010. "I'd like to make a new...

Brian Scott-Smith and Doctor Anthony Fauci talk about HIV/AIDS turning 40 in 2021

British journalist, Brian Scott-Smith talks with Doctor Anthony Fauci about HIV/AIDS turning 40 in 2021 and how it impacts those living and aging with the disease. The interview was recorded for the news podcast - Connecticut East This Week and...