Jann Rowe and John Rowe

Jann Rowe (55) interviews her husband John Rowe (73). Finding out what he was like as a kid, who the most influential person was, and his family trip to Disneyland in 1957.

Happiness, Leadership, and Life

Ongoing discussion of the vital aspect of life, key indicators of successful leadership, and what leads to fulfillment over The number ending pursuit of pleasure.

A Peaceful Resistance

Tony elaborates on his Vietnamese Asian-American experience and his journey with Hidden Fest, a platform for creatives to network and grow.

Somebody may depend on you

Whatever I have experienced there are thousands of people writing the story

Our Journey to the Titan Family

A conversation about our lifetime love affair with education, our commitment to making a better world and our discovery of the Titan family at CSUF

Striving to be a Good Person

Simon Yeldo, a sophomore electrical engineering student interviews Michael Barry, a 61 year old English professor at the University of Detroit Mercy.