Sameer speaks with his mother.

Sameer and his mother Mahmoodah have a conversation about Mahmoodah's journey from Pakistan to American and becoming a doctor and raising a family along the way.

Hugo van Waardenburg and Frank van Waardenburg

Frank age 98 on Providence Hospice, of Dutch Indonesian heritage born in east Indies shares reflections with his son Frank who lives with his father about serving in the Dutch Indonesian army and being a prisoner of war for three...

Ivonne Diaz and Sofía Avant-Mier

Colleagues Ivonne Diaz (35) and Sofía Aviant-Mier (22) discuss their experiences as Mexican-Americans in the United States, the political advocacy work they do with the nonprofit Texas Rising, and how they attempt to create work-life boundaries and advocate for themselves.

Joseph William Eyles and Bill Keenan with Grady Gordon Sceals

Grady Sceals talks with former students Bill Keenan and Joe Eyles about his experiences growing up in Albany, attending Dougherty County Schools and returning to Albany after college and his Navy service to first teach in the Dougherty County School...

2022 Great Thanksgiving interview
November 28, 2022 App Interview

Olivia Lovett (16) talks with her great uncle Al Bennett (84) about his life in the military, how he met his wife, his career after that, what family means to him and opinions about the world

A Teacher’s Life

I talk with my history teacher about experiences he has had with his life. He tells me about how he came to be were he is.

Sloane Gasperov and Catherine Rodriguez on, The Path to Success After High School, Isn't Always a Traditional One

.And how persistence and a supportive family helped her Sloane Gasperov talks with her grandma about achieving her life long dream in becoming a respected attorney in a typically male dominated field. And how persistence and support helped her achieve...

Content with My Life

Charles King feels that he has led a good life. He feels fortunate to have obtained a good education, have a successful career as a jazz pianist, and now has the opportunity to teach piano to kids.

Dr. Marilyn Peterson shares her experiences and advice.

Dr. Marilyn Peterson has been as resident of Nebraska all her life and currently resides in Cozad, NE. She was a teacher for all ages and has a passion for learning and leadership and a caring heart.