Shannon 5/20/19

In this interview, Erin interviews her mother about growing up in a religious family in Greeley and the time culture shock she experienced when she moved to Baltimore for college. Her mother shared stories about her travels to Mexico and...

Sheyla Solís interviews Luis Solis

I (Sheyla Solis) was assigned a research paper for my history class on my topic that I think has changed overtime or that relates to me. I decided to interview Luis Solis ,my dad, the man that had an American...

Interview with Yokabed Ogbai, Gorreti Murguia, and Jose Catarino

Yokabed Ogbai, Goretti Murguia, and Jose Catarino have three unique immigration stories ready to be toldthat they shared with the J2U interns. Yoki is 19 years old and heading into college. She recently received her citizenship and currently resides in...