Elizabeth speaks about immigrating to the U.S.

Elizabeth talks about her experience moving from Sweden to the United States with her family in the 19702.

“It was my destiny…”
October 18, 2018 App Interview

On October 14 2018, Talal Younis, a first generation immigrant, was interviewed by high school student, Saif Younis. Talal immigrated to the United States in 1968, all on his on, seeking for a better education. His story is told in...

Shailyn Schaefer and her boyfriend Matthew Buizon talk about his life growing up as an Asian-American in the United States.

In this interview, conducted virtually in November 2021, Shailyn Schaefer (17) interviews her boyfriend Matthew Buizon (19) about his childhood growing up as an Asian-American being Filipino and American. Matthew shares his thoughts on the Filipino community and explains his...

“Being Jewish, I have sort of an outsider’s perspective”

In this interview, conducted on December 15th, 2023, in Santa Monica, California, Andrew Bernknopf (60) talks with his son, Leo Bernknopf (15) about how his Jewish religion and faith in God has shaped his perspective of the world. He shares...

Hazel reminisces about her childhood immigration to Canada and later the USA.

Hazel and her family moved to Canada from England when she was a young child and later they had to move to the USA. She takes us through her memories of the immigration and her childhood.

Crystal reflects on her life, culture, family, and motherhood.

Jordy asks Crystal about growing up as a first-generation child and her childhood. He also asks questions reguarding her adult life as a mother and influences in her life.

A Mexican Immigrant's Story

This interview took place on May 29, 2018 in California. I, Azalea, interviewed my father, Alejandro, a Mexican immigrant from Tijuana. My father speaks of his experience crossing the border and describes how his life had significantly changed. He also...