Interview with Juliana Chavarro

Interview was with Juliana Chavarro, age 19, and Daniela Semino, age 18. Semino was the interviewer and Chavarro was the Interviewee. They have been best friends since 7th grade, 6 years. In the interview they discuss childhood, school, and mental...


Interview with my grandmother who is 88 and has lived an interesting life. Going over some childhood memories and where life has taken her.

Matthew Riley and Vivienne Montague

Vivienne Montague (83) talking to grandson Matthew Riley (34) about her life, legacy, and experiences living through WWII in England, moving to the US in the '60s, and later moving to Montana.

Mom/Son Interview.

We talked about a variety of things.Included how she grew up,Covid-19 and a lot more.

My Grandma’s Backstory

This interview was about the life of my grandma before and after she came to the U.S.

Choose the Right with all Your Might and Things May Go Your Way

Today I talked with my sweet mom Melinda and got to know some more details about her childhood and young adulthood. She discusses good memories in her life from summers in Kansas to work and raising her kids.

Clyde Waldron and Anne Riggsby

Anne Riggsby (60) interviews her father, Korean War veteran, Clyde Waldron (83) about his experiences growing up in South Georgia, becoming a paratrooper, a Union Auto plant representative, a Builder, father and husband.