Beverly and Emily Stewart

Beverly Stewart (73) talks with her granddaughter, Emily Stewart (25) about her childhood and some of the lessons that she learned from the people around her.

Interview with my dad

My dad came from a humble beginning and one of his greatest moments in life was holding me when I was born.

Interview with Dad (Bing Wu)

We talked about my dad’s life in China from age 0-18. He was there from 1973-1991.

Maureen Martinson and Desiree Marcil Reflects On Relationship With Her Life

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. On April 27th 2021, Desiree Marcil in Yorba Linda, California interviews mother, Maureen Martinson, in Brea, California. Maureen Martinson reflects on her life with a hospitalized parent, a liberal daughter, and the effects of...

Raluca Narita and Lucian Narita talk about life experience and coming to America

In this interview, conducted in December 3, 2017, Raluca Narita interviews her father (age 46) about his childhood, immigration to America and life experience in general. Mr. Narita speaks about life in a communist country and his career both in...

Marian Shapiro and Robert Price

One Small Step conversation partners Marian Shapiro (78) and Robert Price (73) discuss their belief systems, their families, their political involvement, their concepts of racism, their environmental advocacies, about the functioning of the government, about words that discriminate, and about...

Paula Siegel and Terry Hutchison

One Small Step partners Paula Siegel (69) and Terry Hutchison (82) share a conversation about their families, the most influential people in their lives, their work, and their hopes and concerns for the future.

The American Dream

At the age of seven, Jesse Marino and his family came to America to seek asylum from communism in Cuba. On December 22nd in Toluca Lake, Mia Phillips sat down with her family friend, Jesse Marino(58 years old), to learn...