Military and Mental Health

A dialogue on the stigmas faced by men in the military.

Rahman Thomas interviewing his wonderful mother, Bilquis Thomas, about her life

Bilquis begins with a powerful message for listeners. She continues on to detail her history with her family, and her childhood experiences. She then transitions towards her experience with her own immediate family. Bilquis reflects on her aspirations as an...

My Experience With Bullying And How That Has Changed My Perspective On Leadership

Audrey and I talk about my experience with moving across the country, going through bullying, and my mental health journey and how I feel like these things impacted how I present myself as a leader.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

My grandpas life and what he has been through and what his life was like when he was younger. What it was like to be in the military and what he went through during his years of life.

18-Year Old Geovanni Celaya and His Life.

In this interview, conducted in November 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. I, Karen Salgado(17) interview my old friend and peer, Geovanni Celaya(18) about his plans for his future tomorrow. He talks about what mark he would like to leave when he...

Dealing with PMDD in College

My sister Elizabeth talks openly about navigating mental health in college and her diagnosis of PMDD.

La reina de todas las cosas

The youth of my mother was filled with success and secret rebellion, untold words kept self, and the life of a blossoming mother balancing work and family to an extent.

“Life is about going forward into the future, not looking back into the past.”

Beyanka Vong, born in Vietnam, talks about the struggles she had faced throughout her childhood and her many different experiences. She constantly traveled around at a young age due to her parents' divorce and eventually led to her journey with...

Interview with Juliana Chavarro

Interview was with Juliana Chavarro, age 19, and Daniela Semino, age 18. Semino was the interviewer and Chavarro was the Interviewee. They have been best friends since 7th grade, 6 years. In the interview they discuss childhood, school, and mental...

Service Learning

My name is Raul Cortes and I am 17 years old. I interviewed my mother which discussed about her youth and moments in her life which have impacted her and made her who she is today.

Evening Talk With My Grandmother

My grandma and I mainly talked about her time in Cuba and what it was like for her being my age. She spoke to me about past friendships, jobs, and even about our current relationship with each other and God.

My Mental Health Is Not Lazy: Featuring Shannon Lee

Shannon Lee is a college student who just started to seek help for her mental health. Today we discuss how harmful the laziness myth can be to people who struggle with mental health, and how we have started our mental...

Junko Takamatsu’s Story of America with her Granddaughter Lauren Kwong

Junko Takamatsu (age 74) is an Japanese American woman born after WWII. She shares her story of coming from Japan to the America. Her granddaughter, Lauren Kwong (age 16) asks her questions about her life in America.

Practice Interview (2)

Talking with my sister about mental health and the impact of social media.

Prostate Cancer in the African-American Community

Leroy Harmon Jr talks about his experience with prostate cancer and the effects it has on him and the black community.

Jason Wood and Jennifer Smith

One Small Step partners Jason Wood (43) and Jennifer "Jen" Smith (41) discuss influences on their political beliefs, affirmative action in workplace employment, and the challenges of police involvement with mental health calls.

Life in Quarantine: Aniceto Andres Solares Part 1

After living through a pandemic since March 2020, five people share their unique experiences and how the COVID-19 outbreak has affected their lifestyle, mental health, physical health, views, etc. Recorded August 16, 2020

Hilda Soko Interview

Hilda Soko is an assistant professor of nursing at St. Catherine University in the Baccalaureate Degree Program - College for Adults. She holds an Associate of Nursing degree from St. Catherine University, a BSN degree from Metro State University, an...

My friend Jaden

Jaden and Rachael discuss a lifelong friendship and the struggles they have been through together, and Jaden’s mental health adventures.

Treasure Affia and Dr. Toni Caretto ; An insightful interview on the issue of self- acceptance within the LGBTQI+ Community.

Treasure Affia(a sophomore psychology major and human sexuality minor) and Dr. Toni Caretto( a seasoned clinical psychologist) talk about the issue of accessibility to mental health care and self-acceptance within the LGBTQI+ community.

Ezra Conk

An interview about himself, small parts of his story.