My mothers experience with 9/11

Spoke with my mother about the experience she had during the September 11th terrorist attacks.

9/11-Earlann Wilson

Earlann Wilson discusses her personal experiences with 9/11, and how it affected her life states away.

9/11 Interview

I decided to ask my mom about 9/11 after doing a History Project in her family

You Are Only As Good As Your Last Croissant

Cooking is a form of art and so many people love making and eating food. On January 6th 2019 in Los Angeles California, Jack Beerman interviewed his grandmother Sarabeth Levine to learn about her early life as a pastry chef....

9/11 Interview

This is an interview about September 11th with my mom who was two blocks away from the World Trade Center.

September 11th Interview

This is a interview of my parents about their experience during 9/11/01. My father was a police officer and my mother a student.

Cross generational conversation with my mom

While intended on talking about the past personal live of a mother that a child wanted to know more about actually became a conversation more about our changing society and what that means for families.

Living Human Project

This interview was with my mother discussing 9/11 and its horror.

9/11 Experience

Interview of my mom, Jennifer Maestri, with her experience of 9/11.

Great Thanksgiving Listen

I asked my mother some questions about herself and some events/people which have impacted her greatly.