Environmental Factors Contributing to the School to Prison Pipeline

My name is Heather Ashton and I am joined by Dr. Jennifer Ashton, an associate professor in the SUNY system who specializes in disability studies and inclusive education. Today we will be discussing environmental factors related to the school-to-prison pipeline....

Child loss and International Adoption

experience of losing a child from a disease the mother had that led the family to adoption. They later had a healthy child that did not have any issues relating to the disease.

Alvin Lu's Short Stories Selected Readings Final Project

Alvin Lu and her classmates taking about Anna's experiences when she was a high school student.

Ajita Bhat and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Ajita Bhat reflects on her immigration to America in the pursuit of higher education, and how her impressions of the country has evolved. After settling in Andover, she quickly found community, and eventually became the...

Kendall Hyer and Emma Hinson

[Recorded: Friday, September 22, 2023] Kendall Hyer (19) from Louisa, VA, and Emma Hinson (19) from Hunstville, AL participated in this One Small Step conversation as part of their Public Service Pathways 1-credit UNST course at UVA. Emma relays her...

Stacy Bolling and Susan Wenger

[Recorded: Tuesday, March 15, 2022] Stacy Bolling (44) and Susan Wenger (83) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Susan shares her experiences growing up in the mid-20th century, including the Civil Rights era and the Vietnam War....