Sister’s first Christmas (Candi)

Mothers description of my sister's first Christmas and the events that transpired

Eric Zorn & Mary Schmich

Friends and Chicago Tribune columnists Mary Schmich and Eric Zorn talk about their memories at the school, from taking lessons to co-founding the long-running holiday showcase and singalong, Songs of Good Cheer. This interview was recorded at the Old Town...

Giving back

My mothers story about how her family would travel around during Christmas and give back to the community.

A Young Artist Gets A Miracle!

That morning I wished that I could meet with the famous band and network with them. That night I was on stage singing with them! A miracle in Monterrey and in my life as an artist.

Born and Raised 7,660 Miles Away

As holidays comes around, my stepfather grew up in a small village where they did not celebrate any holiday expect New Years. Coming to the United States, him and his family had to adapt to their environment by celebrating Thanksgiving...

Karen Summers & Scott Acord

Karen shares a story about the role her Catholic faith has played in her life and how it has led to her work in mission support at Providence. She also talks about what Christmas means to her and the holiday...