Old Coach Keeps On Coaching

The Guinness World Record holder Elan Buller, was interviewed my Luca España on November 17th 2017. Elan Buller had once been the elementary school physical education coach for Luca, between his 1st and 6th grade years. Luca and Buller became...

The Elementary Maverick

Before big campuses like Campbell Hall, schools would be smaller and different then they are today. Alex Sanger, is a father of two who lived in Texas until he moved to LA, he went to elementary there and had lots...

Anil Leatherwal and his transition from childhood to now to the future.

In this interview, conducted over the phone from Chicago to Los Angeles in June 2018, Anil Leatherwal shares his life story from childhood to now. Mr.Leatherwal starts off by mentioning the numerous hardships his family encountered such as divorce, financial...

Generation Next

The eighties, a time of bright colors, classic movies,Michael Jackson, and a decade of fun for all. Colbe Thomas interviews his father Brandon Thomas, a man from New Orleans about his struggles in the 80s (5:25-6:32) and how he met...

Sugar Can’t Bring Him Down

“You’ll be dead by the age of fifty” Jerry Sraberg was told. 14 year old Demi Weitz interviews her grandfather, Jerry Sraberg, about how being a diabetic affected him in negative and positive ways and the obstacles he overcame. In...

“I Failed My First Test”

College is supposedly the best time of your life. College is all about experiences and making lifelong friendships. In November of 2018, Charlie Satenberg interviewed his dad, Brad Satenberg, on his college experiences at the University of Texas at Austin...

Samual baptiate

Samual baptiate talked about how it was like growing up in South central and where his family came from and his future after high school.

A True Trini Life

A person who can go through multiple losses, play sports, and be passionate about her work is a truly great person to be around; that person is Luanne Regis. Luanne is a black woman from Trinidad & Tobago, in the...