Joyce Hollobaugh talks about her life experiences and passion for helping people with her interests in medicine.

My mother, Joyce Hollobaugh, discusses how her life experiences competing in volleyball and softball and her career in respiratory therapy has made her the person she is today. As she discusses her experiences, my mother describes all the important life...

Herminia Magcale tells her granddaughter Sophia Magcale about her life in the Philippines and in the U.S.

Herminia Magcale speaks about her family life while living in Dizon, Philippines. From her childhood to her current daily life, she covers a few points in her life that have impacted her and struggled with. Additionally, she includes how she...

My interview with Marlenni Hernandez

In this interview we talked about one of her favorite memories of me which was very funny. We also talked about her love life and her marriage. We talked about the jobs she’s held before and what she’s doing now.