Brandon Lowe and Daria O’Brien

Brandon Lowe (29) speaks with his One Small Step partner, Daria O'Brien (62) about their experiences specifically with inner city kids, homophobia, the Christian church and its ties to their political ideology.

Nell Schneider #4, 7/12/21

Nell Schneider (6/18/1930-) talks with her grandson, Matthew Harrison, and her daughter (Matthew's mother), Sue Harrison, at her Glendale Wisconsin home. During this interview, Nell discusses World War II; the attack on Pearl Harbor; food and recipes; changes in technology...

Jenesi and Harrison's Interview

I interviewed my best friend Harrison, 19 years old, he is a Native American from the Cherokee tribe. I asked him questions about kind people he’s met, if he has any regrets, and he expresses his desire to follow and...

Natasha Herring and Virginia Vasquez

Friends and soul sisters Natasha Herring (48) and Virginia Vasquez (40) remember their grandparents' life and talk about how they have been influenced by them at various stages in life.

Shelly O’Rourke and Ania Welin

Friends Shelly O'Rourke (53) and Ania Welin (47) reflect on the passing of Shelly's son. They discuss the circumstances around his death, remember sitting with him at the funeral home, and describe the day of his cremation.

Warren Herndon and Calvin Philpott

Friends Reverend Dr. Warren Herndon (71) and Calvin Philpot (73) remember their childhoods growing up in the Durham neighborhood of Merrick-Moore. They also talk about recent changes and gentrification in the neighborhood and their hopes for the future of the...

Marianne Kast and Jason Johnson

One Small Step partners Marianne Kast (70) and Jason Johnson (50) have a conversation comparing their experiences working in education and with school resource officers. They talk about the importance of voting and not engaging in political discussions online.

Joseph Lopez & Scott Acord

Joseph shares his story as a troubled youth leading to being incarcerated 5 times before handing his life over to Jesus, and turning his life around. He now has a thriving closet business in Southern California and in his spare...

Lillian Rojas and Donna Price

[Recorded: Friday, September 2nd, 2022] Lillian (20) and Donna (68) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Lillian is a Third Year student at the University of Virginia studying public policy, leadership, and religious studies. Donna is the...

James Villalobos and Melody Fawcett

James discussed his upbringing in a loving family and faith. His mom being a beacon of love and support. He also discussed his mom's cancer diagnosis. He discussed the sacred encounter he had with his mom, a conversation that changed...

Armand Zoulika and Mary Peterson

Armand shares with hospice chaplain Mary the meaning of Ramadan and the challenges of coming together as a community in person during COVID and shares his sorrow at the death of his mother and how he bakes to remember her.

Kevin Gaines and Richard Litchfield

[Recorded Tuesday, June 7, 2022] Kevin Gaines and Richard Litchfield have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, VA. Kevin is a professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Virginia and Richard is recently retired, having...

June Cena & Jerry Heraz

June, a Values in Action award nominee, and his manager Jerry discussed the values and work ethic that led to his five nominations. June attributes his strong work ethic to his parents and expresses gratitude for his supportive management and...