Harrison Watkins and Roselyne Swig

Harrison Watkins (33) reminisces with his grandmother Roselyne Swig [no age given] on her vast knowledge and experiences as a businesswoman, mother, and grandmother.

Anna Paloma Williams and Luz Kenyon

Anna Paloma Williams (32) asks her mother, Luz Kenyon (58), about what life was like for her as she immigrated to the United States from Mexico and raised her children in a new country. They also discuss the female role...

Juan Carranza and Cindy Hernandez

Compañeros de One Small Step Cindy Jurado Hernandez (37) y Juan Carranza (37) tienen una conversación sobre las dificultades a las que se enfrentaron en su trayectoria educativa, su participación en la comunidad, y la importancia de la unidad en...

Patty Devery and Justin Cummins

One Small Step conversation partners Patty (40) and Justin (32) have a conversation about their recent weddings, dogs, and families. They bond over both getting married recently and having connections to Chicago. Justin describes his large wedding in Savannah, while...