All Of The Universe Is All In This One Moment (Part 1)

We talked about her childhood and the struggles that she faced growing up. As well as where her life has taken her now. We talked about the people and events that have influenced her life as well as the harder...

All Of The Universe Is All In This One Moment (Part 2)

We talked about her childhood and the struggles that she faced growing up. As well as where her life has taken her now. We talked about the people and events that have influenced her life as well as the harder...

my lovely mother

This is an interview with my mom, a person that is very important to me. It is some questions about her job, family, and life where I gained a deeper understanding of her.

Enjoy Each Stage of Your Life

My objective in interviewing my father, Brian Moore, was to discover experiences and thoughts about his life, particularly during high school. He told stories about childhood, family, friends and athletics.

Childhood to Parenthood

Steve answers questions about his childhood, everything from early family memories to his high school prom. He talks about meeting my mom and their journey to getting married 4 months after meeting one another. Steve finishes the interview with memories...

My wonderful mother

In this interview I talked with my mom mostly about her childhood and what it was like. I then talked with her about my childhood and raising me and what parrells there were between the two of us.

Talk with Pops

I got to sit down with my dad to talk to him about his early life in Arizona, Utah, and Texas. A unique experience in which I learned a lot

Hard Work Is What Matters

My uncle has had many life experiences that have taught him how to be a hard worker and the person he is today.

You’re going to try some things and mess up. You have to learn from your mistakes

I talk to my mom about some things I’ve wanted to know her opinion on and wanted to get a clear view of what she’s thinking of for the future. Also a way to get to know my mom just...