A Word with Dr. Robin

(Updated 1/6/21: Edited to improve sound and decrease overlap caused by delay.) In an overdue reunion, Robin Wilson graced me with an hour of her Sunday to share her story. She passed down a major portion of my teaching-for-justice toolbox...

Daniel Stephens's US History 1960's Oral History Project (Janak P6)

For my interview, I had a conversation with my grandmother Barbera Monnin. My grandmother was born in 1942 and she is currently 81 years old. We talked a lot about what he life was like growing up, what it was...

A War On Two Fronts

Not long ago, people of color were more heavily mistreated, denied opportunities, and denied respect based on one thing. On November 29th, 2017, 14 year old Jason Ridley interviews his 85 year old grandfather, John Ridley III, about his time...

Racism, COVID-19 and mental sacrifice

I interview my grandmother about the pandemic were living in (COVID-19), Racism in the late 1940s and mental health arising in this pandemic.