Novel Recommendations: Ensuring a Complete Education. Mark and Annie Huetteman talk book recommendations and the impact of literary merits.
September 14, 2018 App Interview

In this recording Annie Huetteman interviews her father, Mark Huetteman, about how literature has played a role in his life. He recommends to her a literary merit to complete her high school education.

Ellie Gatewood’s interview with Karen Sturges

My grandmother talked about various stories about her childhood and stories in her life. A lot of what came up were very important life lessons we can all live by

Annie and Molly

Annie 45 years old, who has learn alot of lessons in her life from her companion Molly the dog.

Thanksgiving Listenung Project Interview

Interviewed my dad for the Thanksgiving Listening Project. I learned about his school, favorite teacher, summers, voting, and life lessons.

Lit Life: Alyssa Lee and John Naisbitt discuss the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel.

A student and her former history teacher discuss the argument Life of Pi presents on religion and the power of the human spirit.

Gpa interview :)

We went over 4 questions talking about when my grandpa was younger. The interview went chronology, we started when he was very young and went up to high school and through college and career. He gave insights on those memories...

Beth Brockman Miller and Ermyn King

Friends Beth Brockman Miller (56) and Ermyn King (70) talk about the impact of the Chautauqua Institution on their lives. They reflect on some of their memories of growing up at Chautauqua and the sense of community that they have...