Qualitative Interview

In this interview we discussed Claire’s past memories, life lessons, important people and the future.

Growing Up in a Small Town in Iowa

Timothy Juhlin (dad) and Ava Juhlin (his daughter) discuss growing up in a small town in Iowa and how he has changed over the years.

Shelly Glandon, Anya Glandon, and Rowan Hutchinson talk about family and life in Oksaloosa, Iowa

In this interview, done Saturday, November 24th in Oskaloosa, Iowa, Rowan Hutchinson (16) speaks with Michelle “Shelly” Glandon (47) and Anya Glandon (17), her girlfriend and girlfriend’s foster/soon to be adoptive mother (featuring Ayla Glandon, age 5). Shelly discusses how...

Things about Daddy

Father/daughter q&a with daughter interviewing. Questions about childhood, family, military service and parenthood.

Jennifer Moreno talks about what she’s grateful for as she reminisces life as a migrant

In this interview, Liz Plata (19) interviews her friend Jennifer Moreno (20) about her perspective on Thanksgiving as a Latina. She elaborates on how her family celebrates Christmas more than Thanksgiving as a result of being from Mexico, where they...