Environmental Factors Contributing to the School to Prison Pipeline

My name is Heather Ashton and I am joined by Dr. Jennifer Ashton, an associate professor in the SUNY system who specializes in disability studies and inclusive education. Today we will be discussing environmental factors related to the school-to-prison pipeline....


Ramona Hewitt-Williams- 45 Valerie Church- 66 I'm Inspired by Mrs. Church achievements as educator , she been teaching over twenty years and she has been married to her husband more than 35 years. She love teaching children.

Ed Pedi and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Award-winning professional photographer Ed Pedi shares his life story, from growing up in Chelsea with his 7 siblings to his passion for photography, traveling the globe by motorcycle, and the lessons that he learned.

Phillip Crosby on his step-father, David John Allen, who recently passed

Phillip was on a bike trip in late Oct 2015 when his step-father went to the hospital. He flew to Tampa from Kansas City the next day and spent a few days with John before he died.

Interview with my Grandpa, Denis Richmond

This interview was conducted for an AP Language project where we were tasked to interview a close elder and give insightful reviews and ask questions so we can further understand how cool our elders really are. I, Seth Greenland(16) interview...

Tim Herzog and Marilyn Morris

Tim talks about his early years growing up in Canyon Rim, his family, lessons learned and what a great influence his father was in his life.